Rate 25000 - This command sets the maximum data rate for sending and receiving data from the server. A lower value will reduce the amount of bobbing and make your aim more stable. Some players prefer to use cl_righthand 0, which moves the weapon viewmodel to the left side of the screen.Ĭl_bobcycle 0.98 - This command changes the amount of weapon bobbing when you walk or run. This is important because a higher frame rate will make your game smoother and give you an advantage over your opponents.Ĭl_crosshaircolor 1 - This command changes the color of your crosshair to green, which is easier to see than the default white.Ĭl_righthand 1 - This command changes your weapon viewmodel to the right side of the screen, which is the default setting. Cl_showfps 1 - This command shows your frame rate in the top-right corner of the screen.